BadgerConnect 2023

Twenty-five research services with eleven industry partners were joined by sixty researchers at the Biotechnology Center in the heart of campus for the sixth BadgerConnect Research Services Fair on October 26th, 2023. The free half-day in-person event featured a talk on the development of therapeutic diagnostic (theranostic) agents by Dr. Reinier Hernandez, followed by discussion with a panel of six research services on imaging and image analysis resources. The event began with five workshops and culminated with a networking reception. In addition, multiple pre-recorded core flashtalks and tutorials were posted before the event.

Please scroll down for an interactive agenda with links to recordings of the live session, links to the pre-recorded flashtalks and tutorial videos, and more…

Hosted by UW Carbone, the UW School of Medicine and Public Health, and the UW Biotechnology Center.

For questions, email


For registering and attending BadgerConnect, researchers were entered in a Prize Drawing!

Congratulations to our Registered Attendee Prize Drawing Winner, Cynthia Choi!


And congratulations to our Bingo Activity Prize Drawing Winner, Meher Bolisetti!

Each prize winner received a voucher good for services (up to $200) at any one of the BadgerConnect 2023 participating Research Services.

Key Themes

Discuss projects with UW life science research services


Learn about cutting-edge technologies and the latest products provided by the services and their industry partners

Discover how your colleagues’ research has been supported by UW research services


BadgerConnect 2023 Agenda

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

11:30am-12:00pm Registration/Networking

Registration table and networking at Booths open at 11:30am

12:00-12:30pm Workshops Session I

Workshop Title Research Core Description Room Number Industry Partner
Analyzing SAIRF multi-modal imaging data using Imalytics Preclinical software Small Animal Imaging & Radiotherapy Facility with Gremse-IT GmbH In this workshop, Felix Gremse, of Gremse-IT, will illustrate the powerful capabilities and diverse applications of multi-modal, high-resolution, and non-invasive imaging in the UWCCC Small Animal Imaging & Radiotherapy Facility (SAIRF) that can enhance your research through the use of Imalytics Preclinical software. 1111

Link to Recording

Intelligent Panel Design in Flow Cytometry Using Machine Learning Flow Cytometry Laboratory This workshop will walk through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to assist in designing multi- and high-parameter Flow cytometry panels. 1360

Link to Recording

X Marks the Spot: Unearthing New Insights with the NovaSeq X DNA Sequencing Core with Illumina This workshop will talk about the newest NGS instrument, the NovaSeq X-Plus, and its capabilities and cost savings for NGS.  We will also share the UW Core offerings as it brings on this new technology at the UWBC DNA Sequencing Core. 2116

Link to Recording


12:30-12:45pm Break

15-minute Break and Networking

12:45-1:15pm Workshops Session II

Workshop Title Research Core Description Room Number Industry Partner
Limit your Genomic ‘Screen-Time’: Pooled lentiCRISPR Screening for Target Identification Advanced Genome Editing Laboratory with Millipore-Sigma This workshop will discuss how you can use pooled lentiCRISPR screening to drive your research forward, how pooled lentiCRISPR screening works, and the resources available to you. We will also briefly discuss following up with target validation. 1111

Link to Recording

How Can We CytAssist You with Spatial Transcriptomic? Gene Expression Center with 10X Genomics The UWBC just added a new Service: Spatial Transcriptomic. Assessing gene expression with morphological context is critical to our understanding of biology and the progression of disease. The Visium platform has enabled researchers to map the whole transcriptome for entire H&E- or immunofluorescently stained fresh frozen or FFPE tissue sections with morphological context. Don’t miss out on important biology – analyze entire tissue sections rather than predefined regions of interest. Please come join us to learn how Spatial Transcriptomic performed by the Biotech Center can advance your research. 1360

Link to Recording


1:15-1:30pm Break

15-minute Break and Networking

1:30-2:15pm Welcome and Invited Research Talk

Room 1111 – Auditorium  Link to Recording

1:30-1:35 – Welcome – Charles (Chuck) Konsitzke, UW Biotech Center Administrative Director

1:35-2:15 – Invited Research Talk – Dr. Reinier Hernandez presents on the “Development of Radiopharmaceutical Agents for Cancer Theranostics”

Radiopharmaceutical agents are a systemic radiation therapy modality with incredible potential for treating advanced cancers. Our laboratory leads several efforts to develop radiopharmaceuticals as single agents or in treatment combinations for multiple cancers, including prostate, renal, melanoma, and pediatric cancers. These collaborative efforts are supported by a multidisciplinary team of scientists and physician-scientists and enabled by key resources available through several core facilities.

2:15-2:25pm Break

10-minute Break and Networking

2:25-3:15pm Panel Discussion

Room 1111 – Auditorium  Link to Recording

Title: Seeing the Unseeable:  Imaging and Image Analysis Resources for Investigators

 Participating cores include: 

  • Small Animal Imaging & Radiotherapy Facility (SAIRF)
  • Translational Research Initiatives in Pathology (TRIPath)
  • Clinical Research Imaging Core (CRIC)
  • Flow Cytometry Laboratory (FLOW)
  • Experimental Animal Pathology Lab (EAPL)
  • Vision Research Core

Description: In this panel session comprised of multiple UW imaging experts, we will discuss multimodality imaging and image analysis applications available at UW-Madison.  Each shared resource lab will present their services followed by a Q&A session. Please feel free to pose your questions and challenges to the panel.

3:15-4:30pm Networking Reception

Attendees will have the opportunity to network with research services and their industry partners at Booths in the Atrium with light appetizers (GF and VEG options) and soda/beer/wine.

Pre-Recorded Content



The below instructional videos on specific services/technology will be released on or before event day, stay tuned!

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

UWBC Globus Data Transfer Tutorial

Tutorial video

This tutorial will cover how to use Globus to transfer data. We will cover how to login to Globus using your NetID credentials. How to find the endpoints hosted by UWBC or other campus departments such as DOIT’s research drive. We will also cover how to install a new personal endpoint on your local computer.


How to Access Your SAIRF Data on the DOM Research Drive

Tutorial video


Introduction to Lipidomic Data Analysis

Tutorial video

This tutorial introduces existing and future clients of the Biotechnology Center Mass Spectrometry Core Facility to the basics of lipidomics data analysis. Descriptions of and introduction to the software used for lipidomic data analysis will be provided, as well as some statistical analysis tools available for use.


Running Blood Samples in the SAIRF

Tutorial video part 1

Tutorial video part 2

Running Blood Samples in the SAIRF Part 1: Complete Blood Count

Running Blood Samples in the SAIRF Part 2: Blood Chemistry


Core Flashtalks


Fifteen core facilities will participate with short video overviews of their core and how they serve research.


Video Library

Thank you to Our 2023 Sponsoring Industry Partners!

Highlights from 2022

Last year, twenty-five research services with nine industry partners were joined by over 80 researchers at the fifth BadgerConnect Research Services Fair on November 9th, 2022. The free half-day in-person event featured a talk on automating cell type classification by leveraging transcriptomic big data by Dr. Colin Dewey, followed by discussion with a panel of six service cores that work together in managing and supporting big data and data pipelines. The afternoon continued with six workshops and culminated with a networking reception. In addition, multiple pre-recorded core flashtalks and tutorials were posted before, during, and after the event.

Hosted by UW Carbone, the UW School of Medicine and Public Health, and the UW Biotechnology Center.

For questions, email

To view highlights from last year’s event, please visit the BadgerConnect 2022 page.