The inside of a UW flow cytometer.

48th Annual Course in Cytometry, July 13-17, 2025

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Flow Cytometry Laboratory

Data Analysis Software

The Flow Lab hosts site licenses for both FlowJo and FCS Express flow cytometry data analysis software packages.

The inside of a UW flow cytometer.


Flow Cytometry’s labs are located in the Wisconsin Institute for Medical Research (WIMR) and the UW Biotechnology Center.

Flow Cytometry logo, reading "UW Flow" with multicolor circles creating a diagonal line in increasing size from the lower left to the upper right. Multicolor horizontal bars form a barrier between UW and Flow

Contact Us

Faculty Leader: Manish Patankar
Facility Manager: Dagna Sheerar (Certified Cytometrist)
Facility Staff: Kathryn Fox (Certified Cytometrist), Zach Stenerson, Kyle Christie, Ofelia Lapacek, and Tenley Baumann.

WIMR 7016 Phone: 608-263-0313

Biotech 2360 Phone: 608-265-5547

Acknowledgments & Authorship

Guidelines for Appropriate Recognition of Shared Resource Laboratories (Cytometry Part A, 2023)

Authorship Guidelines from the Association of Biomolecular Resources Facilities

Any published research which received funding from the UWCCC Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG), including the use of UWCCC Shared Resources to generate or analyze data or conduct clinical trials, must reference the UWCCC. See Acknowledging UWCCC in Publications, Posters, and Presentations.  Acknowledgements and Authorship are critical to continued support of all Shared Resource Laboratories.

Acknowledge “UWCCC Flow Cytometry Laboratory” for use of all equipment housed in the Flow Lab.

Please consider Flow Lab staff Authorship for the following support:

  • Experimental Design & Troubleshooting
  • Panel Design & Troubleshooting
  • Data Analysis: Troubleshooting, Methodology, Data Analysis Performed by Flow Lab staff
  • Manuscript Review & Editing
  • Figure Generation & Editing
  • For anything you would normally consider worthy of an Authorship Credit for your lab members and colleagues

Sample Acknowledgment:

“The author(s) thank the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center Flow Cytometry Laboratory, supported by P30 CA014520, for use of its facilities and services.”

If you have the generated data on the following instruments, you must acknowledge the following NIH Shared Instrumentation Grants:

  • BD FACS AriaII BSL-2 Cell Sorter, “Jill”
  • Grant #: 1S10RR025483-01
  • Project Title: Multi-color Benchtop Flow Cytometer


  • BD LSR Fortessa
  • Grant#: 1S10OD018202-01
  • Project Title: Special BD LSR Fortessa


  • Cytek Aurora Spectral Cytometer, “Pinky”
  • Grant#: 1S10OD025225-01
  • Project Title: BD FACSymphony High Parameter Flow Cytometer


If you have existing publications that have used either of the instruments listed above, but have not cited the grant, please update these publications to include the relevant grant acknowledgement(s).

Instructions for acknowledging grants on existing publications.


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