Radiopharmaceutical Analytics and Specimen Research (RASR)

The Radiopharmaceutical Analytics and Specimen Research (RASR) Core was founded within the UWCCC Initiative for Theranostics and Particle Therapy (ITPT) with the aim of being a one stop shop for radioactive sample analysis and storage. Our mission is to provide next generation in-vivo metabolism and biological assessment of new radiopharmaceuticals in clinical and preclinical studies. RASR is a fee-for-service facility that houses a suite of analytical instruments dedicated for use with radioactive biospecimens. We strive to provide our users with high quality service and reliable results with the expertise from our frequent collaborators in the Cancer Pharmacology Lab (CPL) and the Flow Cytometry Core.

RASR is a BSL2 facility and does not accept BSL3 samples.


Technical Services

  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Metabolite and Daughter Isotope Analyses
  • Single Cell Sequencing and Proteomic Analyses
  • qPCR, DNA/RNA Sequencing, Flow Cytometry, Histopathology
  • Spatial Transcriptomics

Regulatory Services

  • Data Access and Data Backup via SecureDrive
    • Access to SecureDrive is restricted to RASR staff to ensure security and confidentiality.
  • Storage and Inventory of Radioactive Samples
  • IATA Shipping Certified for Biospecimens, Dry Ice, and Radioactive Specimens
  • Disposal of Radioactive and Biological Waste


Service UWCCC UW Non-UWCCC Industry (SRA or FFS)
Technician Time (Hourly) $75 $100 $200
Equipment Time (Hourly) $100 $150 $200
IsoSpark Duo (Per run) $350 + Chip Kit $450 + Chip Kit $700 + Chip Kit


RASR equipment undergoes annual preventative maintenance and annual certification. All facility freezer and fridge temperatures are monitored 24/7 with temperature probes from the Sonicu Freezer Monitoring System.

Cold Storage: -80°C Freezer, -20°C Freezer, 4°C Fridge

Sample Processing: BSL2 Biosafety Cabinet, Chemical Fume Hood, 2 Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuges, 1 Benchtop Refrigerated Microcentrifuge

Please visit RASR’s iLab page for any service, equipment, or consultation requests.


Metabolite and Isotope Analyses

Hidex Automatic Gamma Counter (AMG)

The Hidex AMG is dedicated for use with PET/Nuclear Medicine applications. It utilizes a 3-inch NaI crystal detector for greater counting efficiency. In addition, this high-throughput machine has lead shielding along the conveyer and detector to minimize interference between samples. Results are time-stamped as part of an audit trail and are automatically displayed in Counts, Count Per Minute, and Bq.


Hidex 600 SLe:

The 600 SLe is the only commercially available liquid scintillation counter that has 3D alpha/beta separation capabilities with 0% misclassification. This system utilizes Triple-Double-Coincidence-Ratio (TDCR) for quench correction through the use of 3 photo multiplier tubes (PMT) detectors that automatically calculate counting efficiency, which correlates to quenching and eliminates the need for an internal radiation source. This system uses a dedicated scintillation cocktail for alpha/beta discrimination, which reduces the need for calibration.

Shimadzu LC-20 HPLC System:

This system is designed for pharmacokinetic analyses of biological fluids such as plasma, urine, and extracted tissue homogenates to allow quantitative analysis of radioisotope concentrations as well as determine if radioactive metabolites are present. This Shimadzu LC-20 HPLC system includes a temperature-controlled autosampler, dual solvent delivery pumps, UV/Vis and fluorometric detectors, and a Berthold FlowStar² LB 514 radio-detector for alpha, beta, and gamma detection. The Shimadzu is co-managed with the Cancer Pharmacology Lab (CPL), who provide expertise in HPLC and pharmacological assays. 


Biological Analyses

IsoSpark Duo: *Self-service option: UW researchers only.*

The IML’s IsoSpark instrument is an automated proteomics platform designed for functional immune cell profiling capable of characterizing differences among immune cells at both the single cell and bulk cytokine resolution. Single cell secretome solution allows for the detection of up to 32 different cytokines per single cell while Single Cell Signaling applies the same functional understanding but investigates up to 15 phosphoproteins per single cell.  This approach enables researchers to detect rare subsets of highly functional cells as a method to find potential biomarkers of response as well as functional biological drivers of persistence and potency.

CodePlex Chip immunoassays allow automated multiplex proteomic analysis of cytokine containing media (only 11 microliters needed; typically for serum, plasma but can run other sample types such as CSF). They offer a faster and more streamlined approach to generating multiplexed bulk cytokine data via a fully automated workflow.

“Lava” ThermoFisher Attune Next Flow Cytometer: *Self-service option: UW researchers only.*

Managed by the UWCCC Flow Lab and located in RASR, this instrument is reserved for the analysis of radiotherapy samples. The Attune NxT is a benchtop analysis cytometer with 4 lasers (488, 405, 561, and 633nm). Capable of collecting up to 16 parameters: 2 scatter and 14 fluorescent, the optical benches are user-configurable to accommodate unusual fluorochromes and unique combinations. These instruments use acoustic focusing to center cells in the stream, allowing for significantly increased acquisition speeds (up to 1000uL per minute) with little to no loss in resolution. They are also equipped with plate auto-samplers for regular and deep-well 96 and 384 well plates. Self-service users must complete the Flow Core’s training seminars before reserving equipment. Please see the Flow Lab’s pricing for this machine on their webpage.

BioTek Synergy H1 Microplate Reader: *Self-service option: UW researchers only.*

The Synergy H1 Microplate Reader can be tailored for any in-vitro studies involving cell proliferation, viability, cytotoxicity, or kinetics. This system allows for the measurement of absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence thanks to its wide 230nm-999nm wavelength selection. A wide variety of plates are compatible with this system, such as anything from a 6-well plate to a 384-well plate.


10X Genomics Visium CytAssist: *Self-service option: UW researchers only.*

The Visium CytAssist enables spatially resolved whole transcriptome and highly multiplexed protein expression analyses of FFPE or frozen tissue sections by mapping gene expression over high-resolution microscopy and/or iQID images. Following library prep, specimens can be stored to allow radioactive decay and then undergo sequencing at the UW Biotechnology Center. 



BioRad C1000 96-Well Thermo Cycler: *Self-service option: UW researchers only.*

The C1000 Thermo Cycler allows for easy protocol creation and editing to accommodate a range of assays, such as RNA harvesting or cDNA synthesis. We offer a 96-well fast module that is compatible with 0.1 mL tubes and a 96-deep well module that is compatible with 0.2 mL tubes. Though this system has built in protocols for iTaq and iProof DNA polymerases, it can also conveniently be programmed to add protocols for other polymerases.


UW self-service users must complete all required Radiation Safety training, be listed on a valid Radiation Safety Permit, and have a dosimeter to obtain access to IsoSpark Duo, to “Lava”, and the Biotek microplate reader. Radiation Safety courses include: Radiation Safety 101 Parts I & II, Radiation Safety 103 (if working with alphas), and all annual refresher trainings. If you have any questions about how to obtain a dosimeter or about Radiation Safety courses, please contact the Office of Radiation Safety at or 608-262-3600.

Publication and Awards

Any published research which received funding from the UWCCC Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG), including the use of UWCCC Shared Resources to generate or analyze data or conduct clinical trials, must reference the UWCCC. Please acknowledge the UWCCC RASR Core for any work supported by RASR. See Acknowledging UWCCC in Publications, Posters and Presentations for additional information. Thank you!

Sample Acknowledgment

“The author(s) thank the UWCCC Radiopharmaceutical Analytics and Specimen Research Core, supported by P30 CA014520, for use of its services.”

Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions about services and equipment at