Training slots for self-sorting on the Sony MA900 Multi-Application Cell Sorter is available beginning the week of February 7, 2022. The Sony schedule is now live in iLab for booking.
Training consists of 2 sessions:
- AM Session: 9:30-11:30am – Start-up & QC Training
- PM Session: 1:30-3:30pm – Cell Sorting & Shutdown Training. Customers should bring stained cells for sorting. Training will include setting up the sort, adjusting sensitivity, compensation, sorting, saving a template, rigor and reproducibility considerations, and instrument shutdown.
- Staff is available for additional training/assistance as needed. Please email the Flow Lab at if you need staff assistance during a self-run reservation during set-up, or for a new assay.
The Sony MA900 is a highly automated cell sorter allowing for end-user self-operation and we will be training researchers to operate this instrument independently. This will allow for more flexible scheduling, and will be available to trained researchers after-hours and on weekends to accommodate unusual time points, long pre-processing workflows, and clinical research samples with later arrival times.
The MA900 is capable of sorting up to 4 populations simultaneously into tubes, single and multiple cell deposition into 6 – 384 well plates and other custom devices, including PCR plates. Equipped with 4 lasers arranged in co-linear pairs: 488nm & 561nm, and, 405nm and 634nm, 12 fluorescence detection channels, and ability to customize emission filters for specific fluorochromes. Contained in custom biological safety cabinet for sorting up to BSL-2 single cell suspensions.
Sony MA900 Fluorochrome and Filter Guide