SAIRF data is automatically backed up to UW ResearchDrive and can be accessed and analyzed via:
- SAIRF Analysis Workstations
- Your work/home computer
- Accessing Data via SAIRF Analysis Workstations
- Contact SAIRF staff ( to receive:
- Permissions to access your data on UW ResearchDrive. In the email, include instrument and folder name where your data is located.
- iLab reservation permissions (if you don’t already have permissions)
- Password to the Analysis Workstation local account (if you do not have a Department of Medicine (DOM) account)
- Formal software training (if not completed)
- Reserve SAIRF-AW1, SAIRF-AW2, SAIRF-AW3 or SAIRF-VevoLab in iLab
- Login to the SAIRF Analysis Workstation with your DOM account or the local account credentials provided to you.
- When/if prompted with the ZENworks application, hit Esc.
- Map network drive
- Double click on the “SAIRF ResearchDrive” batch file located on the desktop
- Enter your UW NetID and hit enter
- Enter your password and hit enter (File Explorer will automatically open with the SAIRF data you have access to)
- Copy/paste data from UW ResearchDrive to local F: drive of SAIRF Analysis Workstation
- Open imaging data in the respective image analysis software.
- Contact SAIRF staff ( to receive:
- Accessing Data from your work/home computer
- Contact SAIRF staff ( to receive:
- Permissions to access your data on UW ResearchDrive. In the email, include instrument and folder name where your data is located.
- Consultation on available imaging software to conduct analysis
- If you are off campus or using wifi, install GlobalConnect VPN on your computer (skip this step if connected to a hard-wired campus network).
- After GlobalConnect VPN is installed, follow the instructions here (for PC) or here (for Mac) with the modifications below:
- PC: replace \\\[PI NetID] with \\\sairf and login with and NetID password
- Mac: replace //[PI NetID] with smb:// and login with and NetID password
- Contact SAIRF staff ( to receive:
Please email SAIRF staff with questions (