Need to Access and Analyze SAIRF Data?

SAIRF data is automatically backed up to UW ResearchDrive and can be accessed and analyzed via:

  1. SAIRF Analysis Workstations
  2. Your work/home computer


  1. Accessing Data via SAIRF Analysis Workstations
    1. Contact SAIRF staff ( to receive:
      1. Permissions to access your data on UW ResearchDrive. In the email, include instrument and folder name where your data is located.
      2. iLab reservation permissions (if you don’t already have permissions)
      3. Password to the Analysis Workstation local account (if you do not have a Department of Medicine (DOM) account)
      4. Formal software training (if not completed)
    2. Reserve SAIRF-AW1, SAIRF-AW2, SAIRF-AW3 or SAIRF-VevoLab in iLab
    3. Login to the SAIRF Analysis Workstation with your DOM account or the local account credentials provided to you.
    4. When/if prompted with the ZENworks application, hit Esc.
    5. Map network drive
      1. Double click on the “SAIRF ResearchDrive” batch file located on the desktop
      2. Enter your UW NetID and hit enter
      3. Enter your password and hit enter (File Explorer will automatically open with the SAIRF data you have access to)
    6. Copy/paste data from UW ResearchDrive to local F: drive of SAIRF Analysis Workstation
    7. Open imaging data in the respective image analysis software.
  1. Accessing Data from your work/home computer
    1. Contact SAIRF staff ( to receive:
      1. Permissions to access your data on UW ResearchDrive. In the email, include instrument and folder name where your data is located.
      2. Consultation on available imaging software to conduct analysis
    2. If you are off campus or using wifi, install GlobalConnect VPN on your computer (skip this step if connected to a hard-wired campus network).
    3. After GlobalConnect VPN is installed, follow the instructions here (for PC) or here (for Mac) with the modifications below:
      1. PC: replace \\\[PI NetID] with \\\sairf and login with and NetID password
      2. Mac: replace //[PI NetID] with smb:// and login with and NetID password

Please email SAIRF staff with questions (