Biospecimen Repository Pricing


Study Activation Fees UWCCC Member Rates UW Member Rates
Simple Biospecimen Collection $350.00 $425.00
Intermediate Biospecimen Collection $500.00 $600.00
Complex Biospecimen Collection $911.00 $1094.00
Sample type UW
Whole blood (6.0 ml) $28.90
Buffy Coat (0.5 ml) $47.60
Plasma or Serum, 0.2 ml $4.96
Plasma or Serum, 0.5 ml $12.40
Plasma or Serum, 1.0 ml $24.80
Nasopharyngeal Swabs $24.80
Saliva (0.1-0.5ml) $75.00
PBMC $180.00

*Fees include samples along with demographics, history of illness, and additional clinical and laboratory data

*For additional extensive clinical and laboratory data or outcomes data, a fee of $57/hour will be charged.

*For external/outside UW rates, please contact us at

*A one-time study activation fee will be charged based on the complexity of the project.

Tissues (Flash, Frozen, Fresh) UWCCC Member Rates UW Member Rates
Tissue (normal/benign/malignant) consented $40.00 $48.00
consent waived $35.00 $42.00
Matched Tissue Pair (normal/malignant; normal/benign) consented $88.00 $105.00
consent waived $77.00 $92.00
Unmatched Tissue Pair (normal/malignant; normal/benign) consented $80.00 $96.00
consent waived $70.00 $84.00
Blood UWCCC Member Rates UW Member Rates
Normal blood (control) $107.00 $122.00
Blood DNA (per sample) 1mcg $35.00 $42.00
Blood RNA (per sample) 1 mcg $44.00 $53.00
Blood Buffy Coat (per sample) 0.5 mL $25.00 $30.00
Blood Plasma (per sample) 0.5-1.0 mL $17.00 $20.50
Blood Serum (per sample) 0.5-1.0 ml $17.00 $20.50


Tissue RNA Extraction UWCCC Member Rate UW Member Rate
Tissue RNA (per sample) 0.5 mcg $70.00 $84.00
(*User brings own consumables)
UWCCC Member Rates
(*rate per hour)
UW Member Rates
(*rate per hour)
Mandatory training fee for first time users $100.00 $100.00
BioAnalyzer (Agilent 2100) $25/chip $25/chip
Microtome* (Thermo Scientific Microm HM355S) $15*; assisted $50* $18*; assisted $53*
Vibratome* $12.50*; assisted $47.50* $15.00*; assisted $50.00*
Cryostat* (Leica CM1900) $25*; assisted $60* $25*; assisted $65*
Cryostat* (Thermo Scientific Cryostar NX70) $25*; assisted $60* $25*; assisted $65*
Sample Storage (Freezer) UWCCC Member Rates (cost per box/year) UW Member Rates (cost per box/year)
Liquid Nitrogen Freezer Storage $100.00 $120.00
-80°C Freezer Storage $75.00 $90.00
Tissues (OCT Embedded) for Frozen Sections Only UWCCC Member Rates UW Member Rates
Embed investigator tissue in OCT $1.00 $1.20
Set up time & 1st slide (investigator tissue) $4.65 $5.60
Additional standard/serial sections (custom sectioning add 20%)
    1 section per slide $1.00 $1.20
    2-3 sections per slide $1.50 $1.80
Additional step sections (custom sectioning add 20%)
    1 section per slide $2.00 $2.40
    2-3 sections per slide $3.00 $3.60
Setup time & 1st slide (Repository Tissue) $10.00 $12.00
    Additional Sections (each) $5.00 $6.00
RNASE-FREE tecnique – setup $15.00 $18.00
H&E stain (per slide) $4.80 $5.75
Slide Boxes 25 $7.00 $8.40
100 $10.00 $12.00
Pathology Slide Review and Technician time UW  Rates
Pathologist Slide Review/Interpretation (per hour) $250.00
Technical staff (per hour); includes tutorials, etc. $75.00

Inventory Highlights

  • Tissue from multiple cancer types
    • Frozen and fixed
    • Often with matched normal tissue
  • Tissue microarrays
  • COVID-associated specimens
    • Nasopharyngeal swabs
    • Convalescent plasma, with multiple time points
    • Saliva
  • Blood components from patients representing a variety of disease states and healthy donors
    • Plasma
    • Serum
    • Buffy coat
    • PBMC’s
    • FTA cards

More Info

  • Forms for all TSB BioBank requests (inventory and service) can be found at our iLab page.