Good sample preparation practices are critical for flow cytometry. Filtering removes large aggregates that may otherwise clog the cytometer, but doublets and small multiplets will pass throug hand remain in the sample. Each clump passes through the lasers and is interpreted as one event with the combined properties of all cells in the group. These composite events must be excluded during analysis.
Updated 9/18/17
File: Flow_TechNotes_Doublet-Discrimination_20170918.pdf
A map describing drug development from concept to implementation.
File: discovery_flow_4updated.pdf
This document is a guide for using, editing, and updating the research website. This includes creating and editing pages, posts, and calendar events, as well as uploading photos an documents.
File: How-to-edit-the-research-site-FULL-201909.pdf
Vivanco et al.
The purpose of this study was to compare computed tomography density (rCT) obtained using typical clinical computed tomography scan parameters to ash density (rash), for the prediction of densities of femoral head trabecular bone from hip fracture patients. An experimental study was conducted to investigate the relationships between rash and rCT and between each of these densities and rbulk and rdry . Seven human femoral heads from hip fracture patients were computed tomography–scanned ex vivo, and 76 cylindrical trabecular bone specimens were collected. Computed tomography density was computed from computed tomography images by using a calibration Hounsfield units–based equation, whereas rbulk , rdry and rash were determined experimentally. A large variation was found in the mean Hounsfield units of the bone cores (HUcore) with a constant bias from rCT to rash of 42.5 mg/cm3. Computed tomography and ash densities were linearly correlated (R2 = 0.55, p \ 0.001). It was demonstrated that rash provided a good estimate of rbulk (R2 =0.78, p \ 0.001) and is a strong predictor of rdry (R2 = 0.99, p \ 0.001). In addition, the rCT was linearly related to rbulk (R2 = 0.43, p \ 0.001) and rdry (R2 = 0.56, p \ 0.001). In conclusion, mineral density was an appropriate predictor of rbulk and rdry, and rCTwas not a surrogate for rash. There were linear relationships between rCT and physical densities; however, following the experimental protocols of this study to determine rCT, considerable scatter was present in the rCT relationships.
File: Vivanco_et_al_Estimating_density_of_femoral_head.pdf
This training document is meant as a step-by-step guide to creating, editing, and updating events on the site. You will learn how to log in to access the site, navigate the WordPress interface, customize your existing events, create events, venues, organizers, and add content such as text and media (pictures, file downloads) to your events.
File: WP-Events_Cancer_.pdf
Flow Cytometry Laboratory BD FACS Calibur instrument map
File: UWCCC_Flow_Calibur_Map.pdf
How to add Flow Cytometry to you Bio ARROW protocol
File: Flow_Cytometry_Guidance_Bio_ARROW.pdf
Flyer for Data Analysis Office Hours in the Flow Lab.
File: Data-Analysis-OH-Flyer.png
Instructions for connecting to UWCCC Flow Lab data server using FILR on a Mac
File: Mac-Filr-Access-to-Flow-Data-Server.pdf
Instructions for connecting to UWCCC Flow Lab data server using FILR on PC
File: PC-Filr-Access-to-Flow-Data-Server.pdf