Coming Soon: The opening of the UWCCC Flow Cytometry Laboratory’s full service satellite lab at the Biotechnology Center is weeks away. This lab will feature a staff operated BD FACS Aria Cell Sorter with 5 lasers and 18 fluorescence parameters and a ThermoFisher Attune NxT V6 analysis cytometer with plate auto-sampler. The Attune is a 4 laser, 14 color analysis flow cytometer. This Shared Resource Laboratory is conveniently located within the UW Biotechnology Center for easy access to the Genome Expression Center and DNA Sequencing Cores for Single Cell Genomics experiments and to better support researchers located on Central Campus. This UWCCC Flow Lab Satellite will be managed and staffed full time by the friendly and experienced flow cytometrists you have come to know and love at our WIMR location. Both instruments have been installed and the Flow Lab staff is currently working on internal testing to ensure these instruments are performing optimally. We hope to announce our official opening date in the next few weeks. Contact for more information.