The Biostatistics Shared Resource has the following usage policies:
- The shared resource is available to all UW Carbone Cancer Center (UWCCC) members.
- A basic level of consulting/collaborative support is provided free of charge to all peer-reviewed, cancer-related projects. Early stage interaction is especially encouraged.
UWCCC members who require more extensive biostatistical support are expected to provide funding through individual grants, usually by including effort, salary and computing support for the biostatistician. - All consulting/collaborative support for non-peer-reviewed projects must be fully funded from appropriate funding source.
- Requests for all services must come through the web portal request system. Under the ICTR membership question, it is not necessary to be an ICTR member to receive biostatistics support as a UWCCC member.
- Requests for statistical collaboration on proposals for peer-review external funding must be received at least two months prior to submission.
Any published research which received funding from the UWCCC Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG), including the use of UWCCC Shared Resources to generate or analyze data or conduct clinical trials, must reference the UWCCC. See Acknowledging UWCCC in Publications, Posters and Presentations. Please acknowledge “UWCCC Biostatistics Shared Resource” for any work supported by the BSR. Thank you!
Sample Acknowledgment
“The author(s) thank the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center Biostatistics Shared Resource, supported by P30 CA014520, for use of its services.”