The University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center is committed to cutting-edge research to provide better treatment and cures for cancer. The Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research (WIMR) is designed to allow researchers to work with scientists from other disciplines, speeding the transfer of science to patients. In addition, the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research is dedicated to cancer research and conducts some of the most innovative research in this field.
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News & Announcements
The most recent cancer-related news from UW
A blood test for cancer shows promise thanks to machine learning
January 13, 2023 -
Mouse study may help doctors choose treatments for leukemia patients
February 21, 2022 -
Meet some of the exceptional graduates of winter 2021
December 13, 2021
Who We Are
New Members
Members of the UWCCC are connected to world-class cancer researchers and resources, opportunities for collaboration, and have access to the UWCCC administrative resources for grant, contract, and clinical trial proposal development.
Membership Directory
The Membership Directory is a searchable list of UWCCC Members. Search by member name, program area, or department.
Become a Member
The UWCCC is a consortium of over 300 faculty based at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, focused on cutting edge cancer treatment and research.
While You're Here
Shared Resources
Shared Resources provide researchers with a wide variety of services to ensure that their science is supported by state-of-the-art technology and techniques.
The UWCCC offers a variety of educational opportunities for scientists, undergraduates, graduates, post-graduates, physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers. Our goal is to provide training of the highest quality at all levels of education in cancer research and clinical practice.
Funding Opportunities and Pre-Award Services
There are a number of funding opportunities available to cancer center members. The UWCCC Office of Pre-Award Services assists investigators in developing and submitting cancer-related grant proposals.