Please contact Dr. Coon or Dr. Overmyer if you would like to collaborate with CAMP.
Select Collaborations
CAMP has been working with Dr. Wei Xu in the Cancer Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms program to quantitate post-translational modifications and CARM1 substrates in breast cancer cell lines, which share proline-rich motifs that bind a CARM1 module. They are also helping elucidate the mechanism of a natural product, Diptoindonesin G (DipG), identified by Xu’s group with strong anti-cancer activity. CAMP has established global protein changes induced by DipG and a derivative has been patented for breast cancer prevention/treatment.
Further examples include a collaboration with Dr. Vincent Cryns in the Tumor Microenvironment program who is exploring the use of a methionine-restricted diet to metabolically prime triple-negative breast cancer to proapoptotic therapy. CAMP developed new assays to target metabolites in the methionine metabolism and salvage pathways. This collaboration led to the funding of several clinical trials to explore the clinical utility of methionine restriction on positive cancer outcomes.