Steve Cho, MD
Core Co-Director
Professor (CHS)
Section Chief, Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Director – PET GMP Radiopharmaceutical Production Facility (RPF)
Director – UWCCC – Clinical Imaging Research Core (CRIC)
Program Director – UW Nuclear Medicine Residency
Nuclear Medicine/PET Imaging
Core Summary
The Integrated Pathology Radiology Core (iPRC) of the UW Prostate Cancer SPORE is dedicated to providing expert and reliable pathology and imaging services to enhance translational prostate cancer (PC) research.
The theme of this core is to provide our UW Prostate Cancer SPORE investigators with a wide range of integrated and coordinated pathology and radiology services including high quality and extensively annotated biospecimens, state-of-the-art pathology, and advanced radiology imaging. The iPRC will provide services and infrastructure to allow for reliable, reproducible, and high-quality pathology data to be linked with radiologic imaging tumor identification and lesion-to-lesion correlation. This will integrate pathology-radiology data and be linked to comprehensive clinical information as well as tumor-specific bioinformatics.
The mission of the iPRC is to provide the type and quality of services that will enable Prostate Cancer SPORE investigators to address pathology, radiology, and quantitative imaging translational aims as well as generate reliable and clinically significant findings that will impact treatment outcomes. Successful accomplishment of many of the translational aims of the Prostate Cancer SPORE projects is dependent on the iPRC services. The specific aims of the iPRC are strategically designed to produce a core service unique from existing cancer center cores that will directly meet the needs of the Prostate Cancer SPORE projects and build a sustainable central organizing force for future translational PC research. The unique infrastructure and resources created to support the UW Prostate Cancer SPORE projects will provide an integrated pathology and radiology database repository to benefit collaborative translational PC research projects at UW and the wider PC research community.
iPRC Core Aims:
Aim 1 – To collect, process, preserve, annotate, and distribute quality biospecimens and provide a full range of expert pathology consultation and services to the SPORE investigators.
Aim 2 – To build a digital whole slide image (WSI) database with detailed histological and clinical annotations for pathology-radiology correlation studies for SPORE investigators and future collaboration projects.
Aim 3 – To provide advanced radiology imaging services, integrated with pathology, to enable translational correlation and analyses.
Aim 4 – To build a co-registered pathology-radiology image repository to serve and support UW Prostate Cancer SPORE investigators, and the wider prostate cancer (PC) research community.