Bill Sugden

Dr. Sugden, in collaboration with Sharon Weber (Director, Surgical Oncology Fellowship), directs educational symposiums, Grand Rounds and other symposia, reviews development pilots/supplements earmarked for junior investigators, coordinates clinical cancer trainees (including KL2 Scholars), and spearheads UWCCC’s educational mission.
Dr. Sugden is the American Cancer Society Research Professor and the James A. Miller Professor of Cancer Research and the PI of the T32 in Cancer Biology. Dr. Sugden was the Director of the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology for 25 years and has trained >25 graduate students who are current scientists and physician/scientists performing cancer research. He continues his long history of independently funded research on cancer virology (R01CA070723) along with project lead on the Cancer Virology program project (P01CA022443) which he led for 20 years.