Paul Ahlquist
Position title: Associate Director, Basic Sciences

Dr. Ahlquist works with center leadership to stimulate and elevate activities of UWCCC basic research and translational efforts. This includes identifying valuable new basic research areas for cancer center support and growth and defining new areas for productive interactions among programs and beyond UWCCC. The aim of his role is targeting new areas ripe for translation toward pre-clinical and clinical applications. In addition, he advances basic science fundraising and serves as liaison to central campus research and the Morgridge Institute for Research. He directly supervises the basic science research programs (Human Cancer Virology, Cancer Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms, and Tumor Microenvironment).
Prior to his Associate Director role, Dr. Ahlquist served as Co-Leader of the Human Cancer Virology program from 2005 – 2016. He is a long-standing independently funded cancer virology researcher and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator (MSN148047 HHMI Investigator Award; P01CA022443). He enhances our connection to the vast UW research campus. Dr. Ahlquist is a founding member of the new University Research Council; a major faculty advisory and governance body for the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (Dr. Mailick); an Advisory Board member for UW-Madison’s NIH Center of Excellence in Big Data Computation; and a Virology Program leader at the Morgridge Institute for Research.